BAMBUHAY PLANTABLE TOOTHBRUSH is the FIRST TOOTHBRUSH in the world made from sustainably grown bamboo that can be GROWN into a TREE or BAMBOO after three months of use. The Bamboo handle was produces ethically, process naturally and organically using a combined indigenous and modern technology, embed with a tree seed to make it plantable and it was engraved with different endangered species like Turtle, Seahorse, Shark, Dolphin and Seabird, to create more awareness on the importance of these sea creatures which these creatures also are the victim of plastic pollution. Packaging is made of recycled paper, unglued to make it 100 plastic free and also embed with seed to be grown into a tree. This is the first bamboo toothbrush establish in the Philippines. The innovation not just solve plastic pollution caused by plastic toothbrushes that contributes at around nine thousand tons of plastics that enters the landfills and the oceans in the Philippines but also help address in eliminating solid waste materials to enter the landfills and our oceans.